How to Make Good Investments

How to Make Good Investments When I say the word, “investments”, what comes to mind? Mutual funds, gold/silver, rental apartments, bitcoin? Investing is generally thought of as depositing money and growing it over time in order to maximize your bank balance in the future. I.e. For retirement, or at death to leave as an inheritance…

The Story of Civilization

The Story of Civilization For 40 years, between 1935-1975, historians Will and Ariel Durant compiled an 11-volume series attempting to document the collective history of civilization. In Volume 1: Our Oriental Heritage, they showed that these last 2000 years of western civilization is just the tip of an iceberg, which is built upon a massive foundation of…

12 Stoic Principles Explained

12 Stoic Principles Explained The Death of God and Why Stoicism is Important What relevance could a 3000-year-old Greek philosophy have in today’s world? Stoicism, the philosophy originally taught on the porches of Athens, and later practiced by the most powerful ruler in the history of the Roman Empire, Marcus Aurelius, has been making a…